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Volume 2(2); December 2004
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Role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor g in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Colon Cancer
Sang Kil Lee, Hyo Jong Kim
Intest Res 2004;2(2):53-57.   Published online December 22, 2004
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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) and its partner the retinoid X receptor (RXR) are two nuclear receptors that are expressed mainly in adipose tissue and which have a role in lipid metabolism and insulin sensitization. New sites of PPARγ expression have been described, especially in the intestinal tract. Concomitantly, new functions have been attributed to PPARγ in regulation of inflammation and carcinogenesis. These new functions of PPARγ have led to novel ideas about pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer to development of innovative treatment strategies with PPARγ agonist. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:53-57)
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Original Articles
Expression of Human T cell-activating CXC Chemokines in inflammatory bowel disease
Byeong Gwan Kim, Ji Won Kim, Ji Bong Jeong, Geum Yeon Kwak, Kook Lae Lee, Young Soo Park, Na Young Kim, Dong Ho Lee, Joo Sung Kim, Hyun Chae Jung, In Sung Song
Intest Res 2004;2(2):58-64.   Published online December 22, 2004
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Colonic epithelial cells are increasingly recognized as playing an important role in host defense against microorganisms in the intestinal lumen and in inflammatory responses. When human intestinal epithelial cells are stimulated with proinflammatory cytokines or infected with microbial pathogens, they up-regulate a program of proinflammatory genes whose products are chemoattractant neutrophils and monocytes. However, little is known about the regulated production of T-cell chemoattractants by the intestinal epithelium. Methods: We studied chemokine (IP-10, Mig, I-TAC) expression of the human colonic mucosa by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Expression of T-cell chemokine (IP-10, Mig, I-TAC) was increased in the mucosa of patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The production level of T-cell chemokine (IP-10, Mig, I-TAC) was decreased in the mucosa of patients with Crohn's disease after remission. Conclusions: Our finding indicated that under inflammatory conditions, mucosal T-cell chemokine production increased and attracted inflammatory cells. This result suggests that, at least in an inflammatory process, T-cell chemokine (IP-10, Mig, I-TAC) play a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:58-64)
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Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Early Colon Cancer: Additional Therapy and Clinical Outcomes
Sang Gyune Kim, Chang Beom Ryu, Moon Sung Lee, Bong Min Ko, Sung Won Jung, Su Jin Hong, Young Seok Kim, Jin Oh Kim, Kye Won Kwon, Chan Sup Shim, Boo Sung Kim
Intest Res 2004;2(2):65-70.   Published online December 22, 2004
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The prevalence of early colon cancer is increasing and endoscopic removal of it has been widely accepted. After endoscopic resection, a number of remnant or recurrent tumors were managed successfully through salvage endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or argon plasma coagulation (APC). This study evaluated the outcomes of EMR for early colon cancer and efficacy of additional therapy in preventing recurrence. Methods: During the period from March 2001 to April 2004, a total of 50 early colon cancers were resected and analyzed retrospectively. EMR was performed either piecemeal by snare and cap aspiration or en bloc by conventional EMR and submucosal dissection. The patients were followed up at 3, 6, 12, 24 months and median follow up period was 21.8 months. By using the magnifying endoscopy, If the endoscopists judged the tumors incompletely excised or recurred. APC and EMR as additional therapy were done. Results: 50 early colon cancers comprised 44 mucosal cancers and 6 submucosal cancers in which en bloc resection was 34 (68%) and piecemeal resection was 16 (32%). Apart from the 13 cases which is unable to decide its lateral margin free because of piecemeal resection, Complete resection rate was 26/37(70.3%). The 20 cases receiving additional therapy consisted of en bloc resection 8 cases and piecemeal resection 12 cases. Recurrence rate of previous additional therapy was 1/20(5%) and had no significant difference with no additional therapy. Conclusions: For endoscopic treatment of early colon cancer En bloc resection is much better than piecemeal resection. Because of its high complete resection rate. But, in case of suggestive incomplete resection, recurrence rate will be decreased through the additional therapy. The long term results of additional therapy after EMR for Early colon cancer seem to be required for more study. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:65-70)
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A Roles of Apoptotic Genes in Colon Cancers
Jae Young Jang, Hyo Jong Kim, Sung-Gil Chi, Kil Yeon Lee, Ki Deuk Nam, Nam Hoon Kim, Sang Kil Lee, Kwang Ro Joo, Seok Ho Dong, Byung-Ho Kim, Young Woon Chang, Joung Il Lee, Rin Chang
Intest Res 2004;2(2):71-76.   Published online December 22, 2004
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Badkground/Aims: X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) is the most potent member of the IAP family that exerts antiapoptotic effects. Recently, XIAP-associated factor 1 (XAF1) and two mitochondrial proteins, Smac/DIABLO and HtrA2, have been identified to negatively regulate the caspase-inhibiting activity of XIAP. We explored the candidacy of XAF1, Smac/DIABLO and HtrA2 as a tumor suppressor in colonic carcinogenesis. Methods: The expression and mutation status of the genes were assessed in 10 colorectal carcinoma cell lines. Results: XAF1 transcript was not expressed or present at extremely low levels in 60% (6/10) of cancer cell lines whereas Smac/DIABLO and HtrA2 are normally expressed in all cell lines examined. XAF1 transcript was reactivated in all low expressor cell lines by treatment with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine. Moreover, bisulfite DNA sequencing analysis for 34 CpG sites in the promoter region revealed a strong association between hypermethylation and gene silencing. Restoration of XAF1 expression resulted in enhanced apoptotic response to etoposide and 5-flurouracil. Conclusions: XAF1 undergoes epigenetic gene silencing in a considerable proportion of human colon cancers by aberrant promoter hypermethylation, suggesting that XAF1 inactivation might be implicated in colonic tumorigenesis. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:71-76)
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Correlation of Abdominal Sonography with Colonoscopy in Inflammatory and Infectious Bowel Disease
Cheol Hee Park, Jong Hyeok Kim, Jin Cheol Park, Do Kyun Jin, Kil Chan Oh, Chul Sung Park, Kyoung Oh Kim, Kyo-Sang Yoo, Taeho Hahn, Sang Hoon Park, Choong Kee Park, Kwan Seop Lee
Intest Res 2004;2(2):77-82.   Published online December 22, 2004
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Colonoscopy is the most important tool in the evaluation of the bowel diseases. But it needs bowel preparation, causes pain, hemorrhage, and even perforation in acute stage. Since the development of the high resolution ultrasonography, ultrasonography is widely used in the evaluation of the bowel diseases. It does not need bowel preparation and can be used in acute stage. We compared the results obtained by abdominal ultrasonography with the endoscopic findings to evaluate the location and extent of bowel disease. Methods: Ultrasonographic scan and colonoscopy were performed in 70 patients with ulcerative colitis (n=16), Crohn's disease (n=7), tuberculous colitis (n=10), infectious colitis (n=37). Bowel wall thickness was compared with endoscopic findings in a segment-by-segment comparison. A bowel wall thickness of 4 mm or more was considered pathologic. Results: Sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography were 86%, 97% in ulcerative colitis, 83%, 88% in Crohn's disease, 83%, 97% in tuberculous colitis, 81%, 96% in infectious colitis and 83%, 96% in total patients. Conclusions: Abdominal ultrasonography may be helpful in evaluating the location and extent of bowel disease and especially, follow-up examination in inflammatory bowel disease. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:77-82)
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Comparative Value of Colonic Tissue Culture and Stool Culture for Diagnosis of Acute Infectious Colitis
Chang Soo Eun, Dong Soo Han, Jong Pyo Kim, Hang Lak Lee, Jin Bae Kim, Joon Yong Park, Yong Chul Jeon, Joo Hyun Sohn, Joon Soo Hahm
Intest Res 2004;2(2):83-88.   Published online December 22, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
Although the diagnosis of acute infectious diarrhea can be easily suggested by clinical features, identification of the causative organism is mandatory for both accurate diagnoses and epidemiological investigations. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of culture of biopsy specimens obtained during colonoscopy with that of stool culture in acute infectious colitis. Methods: From March 1996 to July 2001, forty-five patients who were suspected of having acute infectious colitis were enrolled. In all patients, fecal specimens and colonic tissues excised during colonoscopy were both obtained and then cultured. Results: In stool examinations, WBC and occult blood were positive in 15 (33.3%) and 14 (31.1%) cases, respectively. In culture study, some causative microorganisms were identified in 18 (40%) of the 45 cases investigated. Most common pathogen was Salmonella species (12 cases). Whereas culture of the colonic tissue biopsy specimens was positive for bacteria in 10 of 45 cases (22.2%), stool culture revealed pathogen in 13 of 45 cases (28.9%). In 5 cases, both stool and colonic tissue biopsy specimens were positive for bacteria. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that both colonic tissue culture and stool culture may have a complementary role in diagnosis of acute infectious colitis. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:83-88)
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Clinical Study for Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumor; Aspect of Endoscopic, Endosonographic Findings and Endoscopic Treatment
Bong Min Ko, Chang Beom Ryu, Moon Sung Lee, Kye Won Kwon, Sang Gyune Kim, Sung Won Jung, Su Jin Hong, Jin Oh Kim, Chan Sup Shim, Boo Sung Kim
Intest Res 2004;2(2):89-95.   Published online December 22, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
Because screening for colonic cancer includes colonoscopy, more of carcinoid tumors may be diagnosed at an earlier stage. Metastatic disease is rare in lesions smaller than 1cm and common in lesions larger than 2cm. Small lesions are managed with local excision or endoscopic resection. Endoscopic resection, a major advance in endoscopy, provides an endoscopic option for management of carcinoid tumor of the GI tract. We study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of high-frequency probe EUS-assisted endoscopic resection in the management of carcinoid tumor of the GI tract, to evaluate of clinical usefulness of cap aspiration method in comparison with snare polypectomy. Methods: For 31 patients, snare polypectomy and cap aspiration lumpectomy were performed between February 2001 and September 2004 after evaluating by endosonography. Results: EUS examination confirmed that all of the rectal carcinoid tumor were hypoechic mass confined to the second or third layer of the rectum. The rate of complete removal of carcinoid tumors with aspiration lumpectomy was significantly higher than with snare polypectomy (p<0.05). Conclusions: EUS can provide precise information about size, layer of origin, and echogenicity of the carcinoid tumor. It is useful in the diagnosis of carcinoid of the rectum and can have an important role in the choice of therapy. Endoscopic resection with cap is a useful and safe method for resection of small carcinoid tumor of the rectum according to endoscopic shape and EUS findings. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:89-94)
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Bioflor Suppresses Expression of Interleukin-8 in HT-29 cell
Sang Kil Lee, Hyo Jong Kim, Sung Gil Chi, Jae Young Jang, Ki Deok Nam, Nam Hoon Kim, Kwang Ro Joo, Seok Ho Dong, Byung Ho Kim, Young Woon Chang, Joung Il Lee, Rin Chang
Intest Res 2004;2(2):96-101.   Published online December 22, 2004
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Nowadays, there is a growing interest in probiotics as a safe way of changing the intestinal bacterial flora. Probiotics may have potential in several gastroenterological conditions. The nonpathogenic yeast, Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii, Bioflor), has been used empirically in the treatment of acute infectious diarrhea and antibiotics-associated diarrhea. Recently, S. boulardii was reported to be beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, however, little is known about their mechanisms of action. We examined the ability of S. boulardii to modulate inflammatory response in human colon cells. Methods: Effects of Bioflor on survival and proliferation of HT-29 human colon cells were assessed by MTT and [3H]thymidine incorporation assays. Interleukin-8 (IL-8) expression was stimulated with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), or lipopolysacharide (LPS). IL-8 was assessed by RT-PCR. Results: Bioflor did not affect viability and proliferation of HT-29 cell. Pretreatment of HT-29 cells with Bioflor blocked IL-8 up-regulation by TNF-α, IL-1β, or LPS to these proinflammatory factors. Conclusions: Bioflor reduces responses to proinflammatory cytokines in human colon cells. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:96-101)
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Usefulness of Double-Balloon Enteroscopy in Patients with Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Jeong Seon Ji, Hwang Choi, Kyu Yong Choi, Bo In Lee, Byung Wook Kim, Se Hyun Cho, Hyun Suk Chae, In Sik Chung
Intest Res 2004;2(2):102-106.   Published online December 22, 2004
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Patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding are a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Double-balloon enteroscopy is the useful method to visualize the entire small bowel. The aim of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of the double-balloon enteroscopy in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. Methods: Between March 2004 and August 2004, eight patients were referred for obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Routine gastrointestinal and colonoscopy were not diagnostic in all patients. Results: The double-balloon endoscopy system was used to perform 12 enteroscopies (6 by the antegrade approach and 6 by the retrograde approach). In four patients, whole small bowel was examined. Duration of bleeding ranged from several days to 10 years. The source of bleeding was identified in 6 (75%) of 8 patients. Interestingly, source of bleeding was more found patients with long bleeding duration and with history of multiple transfusion due to low hemoglobin level less than 10 g/dL. In three patients, lesion was within the range of gastrointestinal and colonoscopy. Conclusions: Double-balloon enteroscopy is a useful method in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. This is preliminary report and further studies are required to reach a conclusion. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:102-106)
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High Dose Midazolam versus Propofol plus Midazolam in Conscious Sedation during Colonoscopy
Sung Won Jung, Sang Kyune Kim, Moon Sung Lee, Bong Min Ko, Su Jin Hong, Chang Beom Ryu, Young Seok Kim, Jin Oh Kim, Chan Sup Shim, Boo Sung Kim
Intest Res 2004;2(2):107-112.   Published online December 22, 2004
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Colonoscopy under sedation has grown in popularity recently. Midazolam and propofol are generally used for conscious sedation during colonoscopy. In comparison of midazolma, propofol is shorter-acting hypnotic agent and has shorter plasma half-life and it was reported that combined use of propofol with benzodiazepines, barbiturates or opioids enhanced sedative effect by drug interaction. We investigated the effect of high dose midazolam and combined use of midazolam and propofol in conscious sedation during colonoscopy. Methods: We injected midazolam intravenously in 61 patients for sedation before colonoscopy. We divided patients into two groups; one group was injected with additional midazolam (31 patients, high dose midazolam group) and the other was injected with additional propofol (30 patients, combined group). We compared followings in both groups; 1) decrease of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate per minute, and oxygen saturation rate 2) recovery time 3) degree of amnesia 4) content of patient 5) adverse effects. Results: There is no significant difference between two groups in sex and mean age. In both groups, significant difference was not observed in decrease of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, and peripheral blood oxygen saturation rate (p>0.05). Recovery time was shorter in combined group than in high dose midazolam group (p<0.05). Content of patients was higher in combined group (p<0.05), Fatal adverse effect was not found in both groups. Conclusions: Combine use of midazolam and propofol is more effective sedative method than use of high dose midazolam because of shorter recovery time and increased content of patients without increasing adverse effect. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:107-112)
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Case Reports
A Case of APC, MMR, MYH negative Turcot's Syndrome
Han Soo Kim, Hyo Jong Kim, Sung-Gil Chi, Ki-Duk Nam, Jae-Young Jang, Nam-Hun Kim, Sang-Kil Lee, Kwang-Ro Joo, Seok-Ho Dong, Byung-Ho Kim, Young-Woon Chang, Joung-Il Lee, Rin Chang
Intest Res 2004;2(2):113-119.   Published online December 22, 2004
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Turcot's syndrome, clinically characterized by the coincident occurrence of primary tumors of the colon and the central nervous system (CNS) typically a glioblastoma or a medulloblastoma, can genetically be divided into two syndromes: familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and hereditary nonpolyposis colon carcinoma (HNPCC). We previously have reported the first case of Turcot's syndrome in Korea associated with cerebral oligodendroglioma. We also have performed genetic analyses of this patient and her family to determine the genetic variants, including mutations in APC gene and mismatch repair gene, in Turcot's syndrome. Recently, germ-line mutation in the base- excision-repair gene MYH was identified to cause a novel autosomal recessive form of FAP. The discovery of MYH polyposis suggests that patients with FAP phenotype, and with a negative APC gene will need genetic testing for MYH mutation. Interestingly, a striking evidence for specific MYH mutations within different ethnic groups has been noted. Therefore, we have analyzed an APC-negative patient with Turcot's syndrome for mutation in MYH gene to assess its possible prevalence and ethnic specificity in Korea. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:113-119)
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A Case of Anikiasis Invading the Ascending Colon
Doo Hyun Woo, Hyo Jong Kim, Han Soo Kim, Jae Young Chang, Ki Duk Nam, Nam Hoon Kim, Sang Kil Lee, Kwang Roh Joo, Seok Ho Dong, Byung Ho Kim, Young Woon Chang, Joung Il Lee, Rin Chang
Intest Res 2004;2(2):120-123.   Published online December 22, 2004
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Anisakiasis is a human disease caused by the accidental ingestion of larval nematodes, belonging to the family Anisakidae. The disease is caused by eating raw seafood dishes or undercooked fish and squid dishes. Considering the popularity of eating the raw fish in Korea, the incidence of anisakiasis has been increasing. The entire gastrointestinal tract from the esophagus to the rectum can be involved. Colonic anisakiasis is very rare, and it is relatively hard to diagnose compared with gastric anisakiasis. We are reporting a case of anisakiasis involving the ascending colon, which was treated by colonoscopic removal. (Intestinal Research 2004;2:120-123)
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Brief Report
A case of Small Bowel Obstruction due to Jejunal Adenocarcinoma Diagnosed by Double-balloon Enteroscopy
Su Jin Hong, Jun Yong Bae, Moon Sung Lee, Sung Won Jung, Sang Gyune Kim, Bong Min Ko, Chang Beom Ryu, Young Seok Kim, Jin Oh Kim, Chan Sup Shim, Boo Sung Kim
Intest Res 2004;2(2):124-128.   Published online December 22, 2004
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