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Intestinal ultrasound for intestinal Behçet disease reflects endoscopic activity and histopathological findings
Katsuki Yaguchi, Reiko Kunisaki, Sho Sato, Kaori Hirai, Misato Izumi, Yoshimi Fukuno, Mami Tanaka, Mai Okazaki, Rongrong Wu, Yurika Nishikawa, Yusuke Matsune, Shunsuke Shibui, Yoshinori Nakamori, Masafumi Nishio, Mao Matsubayashi, Tsuyoshi Ogashiwa, Ayako Fujii, Kenichiro Toritani, Hideaki Kimura, Eita Kumagai, Yukiko Sasahara, Yoshiaki Inayama, Satoshi Fujii, Toshiaki Ebina, Kazushi Numata, Shin Maeda
Intest Res 2024;22(3):297-309.   Published online July 16, 2024
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
Intestinal Behçet disease is typically associated with ileocecal punched-out ulcers and significant morbidity and mortality. Intestinal ultrasound is a noninvasive imaging technique for disease monitoring. However, no previous reports have compared intestinal ultrasound with endoscopic ulcer activity or histopathological findings for intestinal Behçet disease. We evaluated the usefulness of intestinal ultrasound for assessing the activity of ileocecal ulcers in intestinal Behçet disease.
We retrospectively compared intestinal ultrasound findings with 73 corresponding endoscopic images and 6 resected specimens. The intestinal ultrasound findings were assessed for 7 parameters (bowel wall thickness, vascularity [evaluated using the modified Limberg score with color Doppler], bowel wall stratification, white-plaque sign [strong hyperechogenic lines or spots], mesenteric lymphadenopathy, extramural phlegmons, and fistulas), and endoscopic ulcer activity was classified into active, healing, and scar stages. Histopathological findings were evaluated by consensus among experienced pathologists.
Bowel wall thickness (P< 0.001), vascularity (P< 0.001), loss of bowel wall stratification (P= 0.015), and white-plague sign (P= 0.013) were significantly exacerbated in the endoscopic active ulcer stage. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that a bowel wall thickness of > 5.5 mm (sensitivity 89.7%, specificity 85.3%) was potentially useful for detecting active lesions. When compared with histopathological findings, an increase in bowel wall thickness reflected the ulcer marginal ridge, and the white-plaque sign reflected the ulcer bottom.
Intestinal ultrasound is useful for monitoring intestinal ulcer activity in intestinal Behçet disease.
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Case Report
Endoscopic balloon dilations for strictures of rectum, ileocecal valve and duodenum in a patient with X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis deficiency: a case report
Shinsuke Otagiri, Takehiko Katsurada, Kensuke Sakurai, Junichi Sugita, Naoya Sakamoto
Intest Res 2022;20(2):274-277.   Published online February 8, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) deficiency is a rare primary immunodeficiency and gastrointestinal (GI) lesions in XIAP deficiency are similar to Crohn’s disease. For patients with Crohn’s disease, endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD) is known to be a standard procedure for intestinal strictures including upper GI tract. However, there are no articles which mention the efficacy of EBDs for the strictures in upper GI tract in patients with XIAP deficiency. Herein, we describe an 18-year-old male with XIAP deficiency in whom EBDs for the rectum, ileocecal valve (ICV), and duodenum were performed. Before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), GI endoscopy revealed strictures of the rectum, ICV and duodenum with active ulcers. Although these ulcers healed after HSCT, the strictures progressed. Therefore, we performed EBDs for the strictures of the rectum, ICV, and duodenum. In contrast studies, we did not find any other strictures in the small intestine. Throughout the patient’s clinical course, no complications of EBD occurred. He started eating after EBDs, but abdominal symptoms did not relapse without any dietary restrictions. Our case suggests that EBD could be an effective and safe procedure for intestinal strictures including upper GI tract after HSCT in patients with XIAP deficiency.
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Endoscopic molecular imaging in inflammatory bowel disease
Nam Seok Ham, Seung-Jae Myung
Intest Res 2021;19(1):33-44.   Published online April 20, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
Molecular imaging is a technique for imaging the processes occurring in a living body at a molecular level in real-time, combining molecular cell biology with advanced imaging technologies using molecular probes and fluorescence. Gastrointestinal endoscopic molecular imaging shows great promise for improving the identification of neoplasms, providing characterization for patient stratification and assessing the response to molecular targeted therapy. In inflammatory bowel disease, endoscopic molecular imaging can be used to assess disease severity and predict therapeutic response and prognosis. Endoscopic molecular imaging is also able to visualize dysplasia in the presence of background inflammation. Several preclinical and clinical trials have evaluated endoscopic molecular imaging; however, this area is just beginning to evolve, and many issues have not been solved yet. In the future, it is expected that endoscopic molecular imaging will be of increasing interest among clinicians as a new technology for the identification and evaluation of colorectal neoplasm and colitis-associated cancer.


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  • Feasibility of moxifloxacin and proflavine dual fluorescence imaging for detecting gastrointestinal neoplastic lesions: A prospective study
    Kwangwoo Nam, Noseong Park, Seunghun Lee, Suil Jeon, Jungbin Lee, Seung‐Mo Hong, Sung Wook Hwang, Sang Hyoung Park, Dong‐Hoon Yang, Byong Duk Ye, Jeong‐Sik Byeon, Suk‐Kyun Yang, Jeong Hoon Lee, Do Hoon Kim, Ki Hean Kim, Seung‐Jae Myung
    Lasers in Surgery and Medicine.2023; 55(4): 378.     CrossRef
  • Fluorescence Molecular Targeting of Colon Cancer to Visualize the Invisible
    Thinzar M. Lwin, Michael A. Turner, Siamak Amirfakhri, Hiroto Nishino, Robert M. Hoffman, Michael Bouvet
    Cells.2022; 11(2): 249.     CrossRef
  • Endoscopic activity in inflammatory bowel disease: clinical significance and application in practice
    Kyeong Ok Kim
    Clinical Endoscopy.2022; 55(4): 480.     CrossRef
  • Active Assessment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    金良 肖
    Advances in Clinical Medicine.2022; 12(12): 11023.     CrossRef
  • Differentiating between Intestinal Tuberculosis and Crohn’s Disease May Be Complicated by Multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    Seung Wook Hong, Sang Hyoung Park, Byong Duk Ye, Suk-Kyun Yang
    The Ewha Medical Journal.2021; 44(3): 93.     CrossRef
  • Biomolecular imaging of colorectal tumor lesions using a FITC-labeled scFv-Cκ fragment antibody
    Hyung Il Kim, Jinhyeon Kim, Hyori Kim, Hyeri Lee, Yong Sik Yoon, Sung Wook Hwang, Sang Hyoung Park, Dong-Hoon Yang, Byong Duk Ye, Jeong-Sik Byeon, Suk-Kyun Yang, Sun Young Kim, Seung-Jae Myung
    Scientific Reports.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Is Multidrug-resistant Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Important? If So, What Is Our Strategy?
    Seong-Eun Kim
    The Ewha Medical Journal.2021; 44(4): 148.     CrossRef
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Original Article
Functional bowel disorders
Evaluation of symptoms and symptom combinations in histamine intolerance
Wolfgang J. Schnedl, Sonja Lackner, Dietmar Enko, Michael Schenk, Sandra J. Holasek, Harald Mangge
Intest Res 2019;17(3):427-433.   Published online March 7, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
Food intolerance/malabsorption, particularly histamine intolerance (HIT), may cause nonspecific functional gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms. We evaluated gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms in patients with HIT.
In an analysis of outpatients’ charts we identified 133 patients, who presented with recurring nonspecific functional gastrointestinal, extraintestinal symptoms, and a diamine oxidase value <10 U/mL, indicative of HIT. A standardized anonymous questionnaire with symptoms of HIT based on known symptoms and the 4 histamine receptors including gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory and skin complaints was developed, and sent by mail to the patients.
In the 62 patients that completed the questionnaire bloating was the most common and most serious symptom. Other commonly reported gastrointestinal symptoms were postprandial fullness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation. The presence of 2 from a list of 24 symptoms resulted in 276 various symptom combinations. From calculated 2.024 possible combinations of 3 symptoms the patients with HIT presented 1.975 combinations.
The knowledge of this wide variability of symptoms and complex symptom combinations in patients with HIT may help to clinically recognize and diagnose HIT.


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  • Spectrum, Time Course, Stages, and a Proposal for the Diagnosis of Histamine Intolerance in General Practice: A Nonrandomized, Quasi-Experimental Study
    József Tamasi, László Kalabay
    Journal of Clinical Medicine.2025; 14(2): 311.     CrossRef
  • Exploring the Relationship between Diamine Oxidase and Psychotropic Medications in Fibromyalgia Treatment, Finding No Reduction in Diamine Oxidase Levels and Activity except with Citalopram
    Yaiza Tobajas, Marc Alemany-Fornés, Iris Samarra, Jordi Romero-Giménez, Jordi Cuñé-Castellana, Maria Tintoré, Antoni del Pino, Núria Canela, Josep M. del Bas, Nàdia Ortega-Olivé, Carlos de Lecea, Xavier Escoté
    Journal of Clinical Medicine.2024; 13(3): 792.     CrossRef
  • Nahrungsmittelallergie und Histaminintoleranz
    Yurdagül Zopf, Walburga Dieterich
    Die Gastroenterologie.2024; 19(1): 3.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence and Clinical Picture of Diamine Oxidase Gene Variants in Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Pilot Study
    Hilario Blasco-Fontecilla, Marcos Bella-Fernández, Ping Wang, Marina Martin-Moratinos, Chao Li
    Journal of Clinical Medicine.2024; 13(6): 1659.     CrossRef
  • Histamine intolerance
    Martin Fuchs
    Medicína pro praxi.2024; 21(1): 18.     CrossRef
  • Pilot Study on the Prevalence of Diamine Oxidase Gene Variants in Patients with Symptoms of Histamine Intolerance
    Adriana Duelo, Oriol Comas-Basté, Sònia Sánchez-Pérez, M. Teresa Veciana-Nogués, Eva Ruiz-Casares, M. Carmen Vidal-Carou, M. Luz Latorre-Moratalla
    Nutrients.2024; 16(8): 1142.     CrossRef
  • Histamine Intolerance: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Beyond
    Christoph Jochum
    Nutrients.2024; 16(8): 1219.     CrossRef
  • Histamin İntoleransına Güncel Bakış
    Yeşim Öztekin
    İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi.2024; (22): 446.     CrossRef
  • A Novel Herbal Composition Alleviates Functional Constipation, Reduces Gastrointestinal Transit Time, and Improves Bowel Function in Adults: A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Study
    Gaurav Singh, Indresh Dixit, Douglas Kalman, Naga Tejaswi Gogineni
    Journal of the American Nutrition Association.2024; 43(6): 553.     CrossRef
  • Nutritional Implications of Mast Cell Diseases
    Cheryl Iny Harris, Bonnie Nasar, Celeste C. Finnerty
    Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.2024; 124(11): 1387.     CrossRef
  • The Factors Influencing the Concentration of Histamine in Jarred Baby Foods Containing Fish, Considering Evaluation of Daily Histamine Intake
    Marta Buczkowska, Anna Szczyrba, Dominika Szajnoga, Michał Górski, Jolanta Malinowska-Borowska, Joanna Domagalska, Piotr Rozentryt
    Journal of Food Protection.2024; 87(9): 100328.     CrossRef
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    Greta Stołecka, Mateusz Sydor, Paulina Kalemba, Konrad Kochman, Robert Iwanowski, Paweł Iwaszkiewicz
    Medical Journal of Cell Biology.2024; 12(3): 101.     CrossRef
  • Cutaneous mastocytosis: diagnostic challenges and dietary influences in a prolonged case report
    Lina Al-Soufi, Aya Marashli, Rahaf Chukri HajBakri, Zuheir Al-Shehabi
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  • Study Protocol for a Prospective, Unicentric, Double-Blind, Randomized, and Placebo-Controlled Trial on the Efficacy of a Low-Histamine Diet and DAO Enzyme Supplementation in Patients with Histamine Intolerance
    Adriana Duelo, Sònia Sánchez-Pérez, Ana Ruiz-Leon, Francesc Casanovas-Garriga, Salvador Pellicer-Roca, Irache Iduriaga-Platero, Judit Costa-Catala, M. Veciana-Nogués, Joaquim Fernández-Solà, Rosa Muñoz-Cano, Joan Bartra, Andrea Combalia, Oriol Comas-Basté
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  • Trans-ε-viniferin as an inhibitor of TMEM16A preventing intestinal smooth muscle contraction
    Xin-Yi Liu, Yan Zhao, Ling-Ling Jin, Yue Pang, Bo Yu
    Journal of Asian Natural Products Research.2023; 25(9): 867.     CrossRef
  • Focus on histamine production during cheese manufacture and processing: A review
    Maria Carmela Ferrante, Raffaelina Mercogliano
    Food Chemistry.2023; 419: 136046.     CrossRef
  • Cumulative effect of AOC1 gene variants on symptoms and pathological conditions in adult women with fibromyalgia: a pilot study
    Gülşah Okutan, Teresa Perucho Alcalde, Eva Ruiz Casares, Bruno F. Penadés, Guerthy Melissa Sánchez Niño, Ana Terrén Lora, Sara López Oliva, Lorena Torrente Estríngana, Adriana Duelo, Ismael San Mauro Martín
    Frontiers in Genetics.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Genevie Eleanor Ruby, Noor Azira Abdul Mutalib, Nurul Hanisah Juhari, Ungku Fatimah Ungku Zainal Abidin
    Food and Humanity.2023; 1: 32.     CrossRef
  • Histamine intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome
    Yu.A. Golubeva, A.F. Sheptulina, O.M. Drapkina
    Profilakticheskaya meditsina.2023; 26(6): 130.     CrossRef
  • Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders in Children May Be Associated with Food Intolerance/Malabsorption
    Wolfgang J. Schnedl, Michael Schenk, Simon Michaelis, Dietmar Enko, Harald Mangge
    Children.2023; 10(9): 1444.     CrossRef
  • Resistant potato starch supplementation reduces serum histamine levels in healthy adults with links to attenuated intestinal permeability
    Jason R. Bush, Jun Han, Edward C. Deehan, Scott V. Harding, Madhura Maiya, Joshua Baisley, David Schibli, David R. Goodlett
    Journal of Functional Foods.2023; 108: 105740.     CrossRef
  • Placebo-Controlled Histamine Challenge Disproves Suspicion of Histamine Intolerance
    Rebekka Karolin Bent, Claudia Kugler, Valentina Faihs, Ulf Darsow, Tilo Biedermann, Knut Brockow
    The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.2023; 11(12): 3724.     CrossRef
  • Exogenous Supplementation with DAO Enzyme in Women with Fibromyalgia: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
    Gülşah Okutan, Guerthy Melissa Sánchez Niño, Ana Terrén Lora, Sara López Oliva, Ismael San Mauro Martín
    Journal of Clinical Medicine.2023; 12(20): 6449.     CrossRef
  • Diet of the 21st-century person — food intolerances and elimination diets
    Ewa Gacoń
    Health Promotion & Physical Activity.2023; 23(2): 21.     CrossRef
  • Health concerns associated with biogenic amines in food and interaction with amine oxidase drugs
    Bruno M Dala-Paula, Flávia B Custódio, Maria BA Gloria
    Current Opinion in Food Science.2023; 54: 101090.     CrossRef
  • Myths and Facts about Food Intolerance: A Narrative Review
    Fabiana Zingone, Luisa Bertin, Daria Maniero, Michela Palo, Greta Lorenzon, Brigida Barberio, Carolina Ciacci, Edoardo Vincenzo Savarino
    Nutrients.2023; 15(23): 4969.     CrossRef
  • Diamine Oxidase Interactions with Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Migraine Medicines in the Treatment of Migraine
    Yaiza Tobajas, Marc Alemany-Fornés, Iris Samarra, Jordi Romero-Giménez, Maria Tintoré, Antoni del Pino, Núria Canela, Josep M. del Bas, Nàdia Ortega-Olivé, Carlos de Lecea, Xavier Escoté
    Journal of Clinical Medicine.2023; 12(23): 7502.     CrossRef
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    Olaf Michel
    HNO Nachrichten.2023; 53(6): 35.     CrossRef
  • Intolerancia alimentaria
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    Revista Alergia México.2023; 70(4): 265.     CrossRef
  • Diagnóstico diferencial en alergia alimentaria
    Liziane Nunes de Castilho Santos
    Revista Alergia México.2023; 70(4): 260.     CrossRef
  • Food allergy and hypersensitivity reactions in children and adults—A review
    Sandra G. Tedner, Anna Asarnoj, Helena Thulin, Marit Westman, Jon R. Konradsen, Caroline Nilsson
    Journal of Internal Medicine.2022; 291(3): 283.     CrossRef
  • Histamine Intolerance—A Kind of Pseudoallergic Reaction
    Ying Zhao, Xiaoyan Zhang, Hengxi Jin, Lu Chen, Jiang Ji, Zhongwei Zhang
    Biomolecules.2022; 12(3): 454.     CrossRef
  • Food intolerances and the small intestine
    Asfold I. Parfenov
    Terapevticheskii arkhiv.2022; 94(2): 153.     CrossRef
  • Basal Serum Diamine Oxidase Levels as a Biomarker of Histamine Intolerance: A Retrospective Cohort Study
    Valentina Cucca, Giuseppe A. Ramirez, Patrizia Pignatti, Chiara Asperti, Marco Russo, Emanuel Della-Torre, Daniela Breda, Samuele E. Burastero, Lorenzo Dagna, Mona-Rita Yacoub
    Nutrients.2022; 14(7): 1513.     CrossRef
  • Intestinal Dysbiosis in Patients with Histamine Intolerance
    Sònia Sánchez-Pérez, Oriol Comas-Basté, Adriana Duelo, M. Teresa Veciana-Nogués, Mercedes Berlanga, M. Luz Latorre-Moratalla, M. Carmen Vidal-Carou
    Nutrients.2022; 14(9): 1774.     CrossRef
  • Serum Diamine Oxidase Values, Indicating Histamine Intolerance, Influence Lactose Tolerance Breath Test Results
    Wolfgang J. Schnedl, Nathalie Meier-Allard, Simon Michaelis, Sonja Lackner, Dietmar Enko, Harald Mangge, Sandra J. Holasek
    Nutrients.2022; 14(10): 2026.     CrossRef
  • WITHDRAWN: Elevated histamine etiology model for most major vaccine associated adverse events including SARS-CoV-2 spike vaccines
    Darrell O. Ricke
    Medical Hypotheses.2022; : 110893.     CrossRef
  • Histamine intolerance (HIT)
    Joanna Matysiak
    Journal of Medical Science.2022; : e727.     CrossRef
  • The dietary treatment of histamine intolerance reduces the abundance of some histamine-secreting bacteria of the gut microbiota in histamine intolerant women. A pilot study
    Sònia Sánchez-Pérez, Oriol Comas-Basté, Adriana Duelo, M. Teresa Veciana-Nogués, Mercedes Berlanga, M. Carmen Vidal-Carou, M. Luz Latorre-Moratalla
    Frontiers in Nutrition.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Advances in the Clinical Application of Histamine and Diamine Oxidase (DAO) Activity: A Review
    Zhaowang Tan, Yingwei Ou, Wenwei Cai, Yueliang Zheng, Hengjie Li, Yunyun Mao, Shengang Zhou, Jianfeng Tu
    Catalysts.2022; 13(1): 48.     CrossRef
  • Improvement of digestive symptoms in fibromyalgia patients following a diet modification according to histamine release test – an observational study
    Jose Gomez-Arguelles, Oscar Caceres, Manuel Blanco, Ceferino Maestu, Francisco Martin
    Rheumatology.2022; 60(3): 209.     CrossRef
  • Considering histamine in functional gastrointestinal disorders
    Wolfgang J. Schnedl, Dietmar Enko
    Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.2021; 61(17): 2960.     CrossRef
  • Non-responsive celiac disease may coincide with additional food intolerance/malabsorption, including histamine intolerance
    Wolfgang J. Schnedl, Harald Mangge, Michael Schenk, Dietmar Enko
    Medical Hypotheses.2021; 146: 110404.     CrossRef
  • Histamine accumulation in dairy products: Microbial causes, techniques for the detection of histamine‐producing microbiota, and potential solutions
    Marta Moniente, Diego García‐Gonzalo, Ignacio Ontañón, Rafael Pagán, Laura Botello‐Morte
    Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety.2021; 20(2): 1481.     CrossRef
  • Histamine Intolerance Originates in the Gut
    Wolfgang J. Schnedl, Dietmar Enko
    Nutrients.2021; 13(4): 1262.     CrossRef
  • Low-Histamine Diets: Is the Exclusion of Foods Justified by Their Histamine Content?
    Sònia Sánchez-Pérez, Oriol Comas-Basté, M. Teresa Veciana-Nogués, M. Luz Latorre-Moratalla, M. Carmen Vidal-Carou
    Nutrients.2021; 13(5): 1395.     CrossRef
  • Histamine Intolerance in Children: A Narrative Review
    Wojciech Nazar, Katarzyna Plata-Nazar, Katarzyna Sznurkowska, Agnieszka Szlagatys-Sidorkiewicz
    Nutrients.2021; 13(5): 1486.     CrossRef
  • Food Allergy and Intolerance: A Narrative Review on Nutritional Concerns
    Domenico Gargano, Ramapraba Appanna, Antonella Santonicola, Fabio De Bartolomeis, Cristiana Stellato, Antonella Cianferoni, Vincenzo Casolaro, Paola Iovino
    Nutrients.2021; 13(5): 1638.     CrossRef
  • Food Intolerance: The Role of Histamine
    Yulia O. Shulpekova, Vladimir M. Nechaev, Irina R. Popova, Tatiana A. Deeva, Arthur T. Kopylov, Kristina A. Malsagova, Anna L. Kaysheva, Vladimir T. Ivashkin
    Nutrients.2021; 13(9): 3207.     CrossRef
  • The cold chain and the COVID-19 pandemic: an unusual increase in histamine content in fish samples collected in Southern Italy during lockdown
    Francesco Giuseppe Galluzzo, Gaetano Cammilleri, Antonello Cicero, Licia Pantano, Andrea Pulvirenti, Andrea Macaluso, Nicola Cicero, Vittorio Calabrese, Vincenzo Ferrantelli
    Food Quality and Safety.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Comparing histamine intolerance and non-clonal mast cell activation syndrome
    Nevio Cimolai
    Intestinal Research.2020; 18(1): 134.     CrossRef
  • Lyophilised legume sprouts as a functional ingredient for diamine oxidase enzyme supplementation in histamine intolerance
    Oriol Comas-Basté, M. Luz Latorre-Moratalla, Judit Rabell-González, M. Teresa Veciana-Nogués, M. Carmen Vidal-Carou
    LWT.2020; 125: 109201.     CrossRef
  • Histamine Intolerance: The Current State of the Art
    Oriol Comas-Basté, Sònia Sánchez-Pérez, Maria Teresa Veciana-Nogués, Mariluz Latorre-Moratalla, María del Carmen Vidal-Carou
    Biomolecules.2020; 10(8): 1181.     CrossRef
  • Increasing Expiratory Hydrogen in Lactose Intolerance Is Associated with Additional Food Intolerance/Malabsorption
    Wolfgang J. Schnedl, Nathalie Meier-Allard, Sonja Lackner, Dietmar Enko, Harald Mangge, Sandra J. Holasek
    Nutrients.2020; 12(12): 3690.     CrossRef
  • Interdisciplinary Significance of Food-Related Adverse Reactions in Adulthood
    Dóra Solymosi, Miklós Sárdy, Györgyi Pónyai
    Nutrients.2020; 12(12): 3725.     CrossRef
  • Vegetal diamine oxidase alleviates histamine-induced contraction of colonic muscles
    Armelle Tchoumi Neree, Rodolphe Soret, Lucia Marcocci, Paola Pietrangeli, Nicolas Pilon, Mircea Alexandru Mateescu
    Scientific Reports.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Diamine oxidase supplementation improves symptoms in patients with histamine intolerance
    Wolfgang J. Schnedl, Michael Schenk, Sonja Lackner, Dietmar Enko, Harald Mangge, Florian Forster
    Food Science and Biotechnology.2019; 28(6): 1779.     CrossRef
  • Food Intolerances
    Caroline J Tuck, Jessica R Biesiekierski, Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier, Daniel Pohl
    Nutrients.2019; 11(7): 1684.     CrossRef
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Pathogenic role of the gut microbiota in gastrointestinal diseases
Hiroko Nagao-Kitamoto, Sho Kitamoto, Peter Kuffa, Nobuhiko Kamada
Intest Res 2016;14(2):127-138.   Published online April 27, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is colonized by a dense community of commensal microorganisms referred to as the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota and the host have co-evolved, and they engage in a myriad of immunogenic and metabolic interactions. The gut microbiota contributes to the maintenance of host health. However, when healthy microbial structure is perturbed, a condition termed dysbiosis, the altered gut microbiota can trigger the development of various GI diseases including inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as genetic variations, diet, stress, and medication, can dramatically affect the balance of the gut microbiota. Therefore, these factors regulate the development and progression of GI diseases by inducing dysbiosis. Herein, we will review the recent advances in the field, focusing on the mechanisms through which intrinsic and extrinsic factors induce dysbiosis and the role a dysbiotic microbiota plays in the pathogenesis of GI diseases.


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