This checklist is provided to shorten the length of period from the submission to the final decision of publication. Please read followings carefully and see if each item is followed. Please download the form from the website of Intestinal Research ( (first drafted on March 2003, 1st revision on January 2014, 2nd revision on January 2016)
1. General format
☐ Are pages numbered consecutively at the center of the footer on each page, starting from the title page?
☐ Did you have the title page, English abstract, the text (introduction, methods, results, discussion), references, legends for figures, and tables?
☐ Did you refer to the “Common Abbreviations and Acronyms” for the abbreviations used in your manuscript?
☐ Did you properly define English abbreviations only if that is repeated at least three times that do not appear on the “Common Abbreviations and Acronyms” in the parentheses for its first appearance?
2. Title page
☐ Did you capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the title?
Ex) Prognostic Factors of Ulcer Bleeding (X)
Prognositc factors of uncler bleeding (O)
☐ Did you present a shortened title if your manuscript is in English and the title is longer than 12 words?
☐ Did you place the last name after the first name?
Ex) Hong Kil Dong (X)
Kil Dong Hong (O)
☐ Did you correctly list the names of multiple departments and/or organizations as follows?
Ex) Department of Internal Medicine1, Department of Radiology2, Department of Pathology3 (X)
Departments of 1Internal Medicine, 2Radiology, and 3Pathology (O)
☐ Did you correctly use the official name for organizations?
Ex) Soonchunhyang University Medical College (X)
Soonchunhyang University Medical School (X)
Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine (O)
☐ Did you correctly provide contact information for the corresponding author (mailing address, zip code, telephone and fax numbers, and email address)?
3. Abstract
☐ The abstract should be 200–250 words: the number of words in your abstract is ___________.
☐ Did you structure your manuscript in the order of Background/Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions?
☐ Did you capitalize the first letter of key words? Did you list 3–5 words, separated by semi-colons? Are the key words following the style of MeSH? Does your format of key words look like as follows?
☐ Did you make sure that all references are mentioned in the text?
☐ Did you put the superscripts for references as follows?
Ex) Examples are presented10-13). (X)
Examples are presented.10,11,12,13 (X)
Examples are presented.10-13 (O)
Haber18 et al. (X)
Haber et al.18 (O)
☐ Did you put a space between an English words and a parenthesis or between a number and a parenthesis?
Ex) tumor necrosis factor(TNF) (X)
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (O)
8 patients(16%) (X)
8 patients (16%) (O)
11/20(55.0%) (X)
11/20 (55.0%) (O)
☐ Did you put a proper space between numbers and a unit?
Ex) 9.2mg/dL (X) 9.2 mg/dL (O)
172cm (X) 172 cm (O)
☐ Are there any unnecessary spaces between numbers and %, °C?
Ex) 78 % (X) 78% (O)
39 °C (X) 39°C (O)
☐ Did you use the numbering in a logical and consistent way?
Ex) 1. Method
1) Serum Test
(1) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
☐ Did you italicize the names of bacteria?
Ex) Helicobactoer pylori (X)
Helicobacter pylori (O)
☐ Did you separately describe the “Methods” session under a sub-session for each?
☐ Did you describe your “Result” under several sub-sessions?
☐ Did you list any irrelevant facts or knowledge in your “Discussion”?
5. References
☐ Did you list all the authors for references with no more than seven authors? Did you list the first three authors, followed by “et al.” when the reference has more than six authors?
Ex) 1. Meyer JH, Kirkman S, et al. (X)
1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S, et al. (O)
☐ Did you put the last name before the first name?
Ex) Kelly A Allan (X) Allan KA (O)
Pei Pei Cheng (X) Cheng PP (O)
☐ Are there any duplicate of references under different numbers?
☐ Did you use the official abbreviations for the journal titles?
Ex) Gastrointestinal Endosc (X)
Gastrointest Endosc (O)
Annals Int Med (X)
Ann Int Med (O)
☐ Did you correctly format the year, volume, and page numbers for journal articles as follows?
Ex) Parent B. Prognosis of peptic ulcer bleeding. Lancet 1997;215:113-116.
☐ Did you correctly format the supplement references?
Ex) Parsonnet J. Helicobacter pylori: the size of the problem. Gut 1998;43(Suppl 1):S6-S9.
☐ Did you capitalize the first letter of the title you cited?
Ex) Bloom SR. Measurement of Human Plasma Motilin. Scand J Gastroenterol 1976;39:47-52. (X)
Bloom SR. Measurement of human plasma motilin. Scand J Gastroenterol 1976;39:47-52. (O)
☐ Did you correctly format the book references?
Ex) Day RA. How to write a scientific paper. 3rd ed. London: Willey, 1988.
☐ Did you correctly format the book chapter references?
Ex) Costa M, Jery S. History of diarrhea. In: Smith JR, ed. Medical history and perspective. Volume 1. 2nd ed. New York: Raven, 1987:1-40.
6. Figures
☐ Did you attach a separate original file without modification?
☐ Did you save the file name with a number in the order in which figures are first mentioned in the text?
☐ Are all figures and photos are less than 8 cm (3.15 inch) in the width? Did you attach color images with resolution of 300 dpi or higher, preferably in JPEG, GIF or TIF?
7. Figure legends
☐ Did you title all figures? Does each figure have a sub-title in English and a short paragraph long explanation in the appendix?
☐ Did you capitalize the first letter of each legend? Did you correctly number (in format of (A), (B), …) the explanation when it mentions more than two figures?
☐ When presenting a microphotography, did you correctly indicate the stain method and magnification?
Ex) Fig. 1. Microscopic findings of the parathyroid gland.
(A) The picture shows capsular invasion (H&E, ×100).
(B) Nuclear atypia is noted (H&E, ×400).
8. Tables
The following is an example of a correct table.
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Subjects
Metformin group (n=81)
Age (yr)
Male sex
58 (71.6)
DM duration (yr)
Family history of CRC
13 (16.0)
Values are presented as mean±SD or number (%).
aFisher exact test.
bChi-square test.
cIndependent t-test.
DM, diabetes mellitus; CRC, colorectal cancer.
☐ Did you capitalize the first letter of nouns and adjective in table captions?
Ex) Baseline characteristics of the subjects (X)
Baseline Characteristics of The subjects (X)
Baseline Characteristics of the Subjects (O)
☐ Did you capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the table?
Ex) Family History of CRC (X)
Family history of CRC (O)
☐ Did you properly format the footnote to enumerate notes in each table? Sequence: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i...
This checklist is provided to shorten the length of period from the submission to the final decision of publication. Please read followings carefully and see if each item is followed. Please download the form from the website of Intestinal Research ( (first drafted on March 2003, 1st revision on January 2014, 2nd revision on January 2016)
1. General format
☐ Are pages numbered consecutively at the center of the footer on each page, starting from the title page?
☐ Did you have the title page, English abstract, the text (introduction, case report, discussion), references, legends for figures, and tables?
☐ Did you refer to the “Common Abbreviations and Acronyms” for the abbreviations used in your manuscript?
☐ Did you properly define English abbreviations only if that is repeated at least three times that do not appear on the “Common Abbreviations and Acronyms” in the parentheses for its first appearance?
2. Title page
☐ Did you capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the title?
Ex) Prognostic Factors of Ulcer Bleeding (X)
Prognositc factors of uncler bleeding (O)
☐ Did you present a shortened title if your manuscript is in English and the title is longer than 12 words?
☐ Did you place the last name after the first name?
Ex) Hong Kil Dong (X)
Kil Dong Hong (O)
☐ Did you correctly list the names of multiple departments and/or organizations as follows?
Ex) Department of Internal Medicine1, Department of Radiology2, Department of Pathology3 (X)
Departments of 1Internal Medicine, 2Radiology, and 3Pathology (O)
☐ Did you correctly use the official name for organizations?
Ex) Soonchunhyang University Medical College (X)
Soonchunhyang University Medical School (X)
Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine (O)
☐ Did you correctly provide contact information for the corresponding author (mailing address, zip code, telephone and fax numbers, and email address)?
3. Abstract
☐ The abstract should be 150–200 words: the number of words in your abstract is ___________.
☐ Did you write your abstract as an unstructured paragraph?
☐ Did you capitalize the first letter of key words? Did you list 3–5 words, separated by semi-colons? Are the key words following the style of MeSH? Does your format of key words look like as follows?
Clinical history: On the day before he visited the hospital, he had … (X)
A 16-year-old girl has been hospitalized due to bloating on her abdomen. The patient was
☐ Did you number references serially?
☐ Did you make sure that all references are mentioned in the text?
☐ Did you put the superscripts for references as follows?
Ex) Examples are presented10-13). (X)
Examples are presented.10,11,12,13 (X)
Examples are presented.10-13 (O)
Haber18 et al. (X)
Haber et al.18 (O)
☐ Did you put a space between an English words and a parenthesis or between a number and a parenthesis?
Ex) tumor necrosis factor(TNF) (X)
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (O)
8 patients(16%) (X)
8 patients (16%) (O)
11/20(55.0%) (X)
11/20 (55.0%) (O)
☐ Did you put a proper space between numbers and a unit?
Ex) 9.2mg/dL (X) 9.2 mg/dL (O)
172cm (X) 172 cm (O)
☐ Are there any unnecessary spaces between numbers and %, °C?
Ex) 78 % (X) 78% (O)
39 °C (X) 39°C (O)
☐ Did you use the numbering in a logical and consistent way?
Ex) 1. Method
1) Serum Test
(1) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
☐ Did you italicize the names of bacteria?
Ex) Helicobactoer pylori (X)
Helicobacter pylori (O)
☐ Did you list any irrelevant facts or knowledge in your “Discussion”?
5. References
☐ Did you list no more than 20 references?
☐ Did you list all the authors for references with no more than seven authors? Did you list the first three authors, followed by “et al.” when the reference has more than six authors?
Ex) 1. Meyer JH, Kirkman S, et al. (X)
1. Meyer JH, Gueller R, Kirkman S, et al. (O)
☐ Did you put the last name before the first name?
Ex) Kelly A Allan (X) Allan KA (O)
Pei Pei Cheng (X) Cheng PP (O)
☐ Are there any duplicate of references under different numbers?
☐ Did you use the official abbreviations for the journal titles?
Ex) Gastrointestinal Endosc (X)
Gastrointest Endosc (O)
Annals Int Med (X)
Ann Int Med (O)
☐ Did you correctly format the year, volume, and page numbers for journal articles as follows?
Ex) Parent B. Prognosis of peptic ulcer bleeding. Lancet 1997;215:113-116.
☐ Did you correctly format the supplement references?
Ex) Parsonnet J. Helicobacter pylori: the size of the problem. Gut 1998;43(Suppl 1):S6-S9.
☐ Did you capitalize the first letter of the title you cited?
Ex) Bloom SR. Measurement of Human Plasma Motilin. Scand J Gastroenterol 1976;39:47-52. (X)
Bloom SR. Measurement of human plasma motilin. Scand J Gastroenterol 1976;39:47-52. (O)
☐ Did you correctly format the book references?
Ex) Day RA. How to write a scientific paper. 3rd ed. London: Willey, 1988.
☐ Did you correctly format the book chapter references?
Ex) Costa M, Jery S. History of diarrhea. In: Smith JR, ed. Medical history and perspective. Volume 1. 2nd ed. New York: Raven, 1987:1-40.
6. Figures
☐ Did you attach a separate original file without modification?
☐ Did you save the file name with a number in the order in which figures are first mentioned in the text?
☐ Are all figures and photos are less than 8 cm (3.15 inch) in the width? Did you attach color images with resolution of 300 dpi or higher, preferably in JPEG, GIF or TIF?
7. Figure legends
☐ Did you title all figures? Does each figure have a sub-title in English and a short paragraph long explanation in the appendix?
☐ Did you capitalize the first letter of each legend? Did you correctly number (in format of (A), (B), …) the explanation when it mentions more than two figures?
☐ When presenting a microphotography, did you correctly indicate the stain method and magnification?
Ex) Fig. 1. Microscopic findings of the parathyroid gland.
(A) The picture shows capsular invasion (H&E, ×100).
(B) Nuclear atypia is noted (H&E, ×400).
8. Tables
The following is an example of a correct table.
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Subjects
Metformin group (n=81)
Age (yr)
Male sex
58 (71.6)
DM duration (yr)
Family history of CRC
13 (16.0)
Values are presented as mean±SD or number (%).
aFisher exact test.
bChi-square test.
cIndependent t-test.
DM, diabetes mellitus; CRC, colorectal cancer.
☐ Did you capitalize the first letter of nouns and adjective in table captions?
Ex) Baseline characteristics of the subjects (X)
Baseline Characteristics of The subjects (X)
Baseline Characteristics of the Subjects (O)
☐ Did you capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the table?
Ex) Family History of CRC (X)
Family history of CRC (O)
☐ Did you properly format the footnote to enumerate notes in each table? Sequence: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i...