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Intest Res : Intestinal Research


Original Article Role of Echocardiography for the Evaluation of Ischemic Colitis
Kyu Hyung Lee, Byung Ik Jang, Kyeong Ok Kim, Si Hyung Lee, Jae Won Choi, Youn Sun Park, Sang Hoon Lee, Jun Young Lee, Jong Ryul Eun, Tae Nyeun Kim
[Epub ahead of print] Published online: December 30, 2007
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
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Ischemic colitis is recognized as the most common intestinal vascular disorder, especially in the elderly. Several predisposing factors, especially a cardiac embolism, have been reported for ischemic colitis. The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of cardiovascular disease and the role of echocardiography in ischemic colitis. Methods: Thirty-six patients with ischemic colitis from January 2000 to February 2007 were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The mean age of subjects was 68.8±8.4 years. The prevalence of cardiovascular disease in ischemic colitis patients was 33% (12/36 cases). There were eight ischemic heart disease cases, four valvular heart disease cases, three arrhythmia cases and one hypertrophic cardiomyopathy case. Echocardiography was performed in 21 cases; cardiovascular disease could be detected in 11/12 cases (92%) and four cases were previously unknown. Anticoagulant therapy was required in 25% of the patients. Factors influencing hospital stay were the presence of cardiovascular disease. The presence of an associated medical illness did not influence hospital stay. Conclusions: Echocardiography may be useful to evaluate predisposing factors and to determine the use of anticoagulation therapy in ischemic colitis. (Intest Res 2007;5:165-169)

Intest Res : Intestinal Research
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